Postgraduate Programme We Offered

Explore a variety of courses designed to suit your interests and career goals.

Coursework Programme

Master of Maritime Technology

Master of Science in Digital Security

Master of Science in Cyber Security and Management (MCSM)

Research Mode Programme


Fees for Research Mode


For more info on coursework mode, please refer to Prospectus 2024.

Admission Requirements

Doctoral Programme (Research)

  • A master’s degree in the field or related fields to the programme from UPNM or any recognised university by the Senate; or
  • Other qualifications that are recognised by the Senate and/or Malaysian Qualification Agency (MQA) as equivalent to a master’s degree.
  • Applicants without a related qualification in the field/s or working experience in the relevant fields must undergo appropriate prerequisite courses determined by the Senate.

For Doctoral Programme in Computer Science: A master’s degree or equivalent and candidates must have completed at least one (1) of their earlier degrees (Master or Bachelor) in Computing or related to computing.

Master Studies (Research)

  • A bachelor’s degree in the field or related fields to the programme with a minimum CGPA of 2.75, as accepted by the UPNM Senate; or
  • A bachelor’s degree in the field or related fields or equivalent to the programme with a minimum CGPA of 2.50 and not meeting a CGPA of 2.75 can be accepted subject to rigorous internal assessment; or
  • A bachelor’s degree in the field or related fields or equivalent to the programme with a minimum CGPA of 2.00 and not meeting CGPA of 2.50, can be accepted subject to a minimum of 5 years working experience in relevant field and rigorous internal assessment,
  • Applicants without a qualification in the related fields or relevant working experience must undergo appropriate prerequisite courses determined by the Senate and meet the minimum CGPA based on Clause 1 (i), Clause 1 (ii) and Clause (iii) of the above; or
  • Qualification obtained through Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL A Certificate (APEL T-7) and with working experience in the field or related to the programme.

Master Studies (Coursework)

  • A bachelor’s degree in the field or related field or equivalent with a minimum CGPA of 2.50 or equivalent, from UPNM or any recognised university by the Senate; or
  • A bachelor’s degree in the field or related field or equivalent with a minimum CGPA of 2.00 and not meeting a CGPA of 2.50 can be accepted subject to rigorous internal assessment; or
  • Candidate without a qualification in the related field or working experience in the relevant field must undergo appropriate prerequisite courses determined by the University and meet the minimum CGPA based on Clause (i) and/or Clause (ii) of the above. or
  • Other qualifications recognised by the Senate that are obtained through Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) - Level 7 (APEL-7).